What Is Fraxel Laser Therapy and How Can it Help You?

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Fraxel Laser Therapy is a new, state-of-the-art laser treatment for facial skin problems. This treatment has quickly become one of the hottest in the plastic surgery world. Surgeons and patients alike are singing praises about this new procedure, and there are a number of reasons why.

How It Works

You may have heard of the various laser treatments on the market today. They zap the skin under the epidermis, tightening tissue and removing blemishes underneath. Fraxel is unique because it does not break through the epidermis. It operates on a tiny wavelength that enables it to get the same results non-invasively. This is why it is growing in popularity.

It Is Safe And Easy

Because Fraxel Repair uses highly focused lasers on microscopic areas, there is little risk involved. This therapy is gentler than any other, because it leaves large areas intact.

The treatment is known for its short downtime and quick recovery. It is one of the easiest and simplest plastic surgery solutions, with some of the best and most dramatic results.

A Great Non-Invasive Surgery For All Ages

But, it's the results that are selling the procedure. This treatment offers amazing results for all ages, and all without going under the knife. Unlike other lasers, this particular one can get into deeper areas of the skin, because of its unique wavelength. This guarantees good results for people of any age.
For young people, you can get the same results as a facelift or necklift using Fraxel Repair, and the surgeon doesn't even have to cut you at all. For older folks, it is effective for getting rid of wrinkles and other signs of aging. It is safe and effective for all ages.

An All-In-One Solution

This procedure is also popular because it can take care of everything, with just one simple laser. Not only does it remove wrinkles and blemishes such as acne, these lasers can also tighten the skin, giving it an overall more youthful look. This is why it is often used for skin texturing.

Recovery time is usually just a few days, and complications are rare. Fraxel Repair is one of the safest and surest ways to get your skin looking the way you want it. If you're interested in changing your face without the surgery, talk to a plastic surgeon today. During the consultation, they will assess your situation and decide if this treatment will work for you.

If you want to get rid of the problems on your facial skin using the latest advances in laser skin care Pittsburgh based plastic surgery centre will be of help to you. Make use of the safe, effective, and scientifically sound procedures. To learn more, visit http://www.acquablumedicalspa.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A_Aaronson

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