Videos For Laser, Skin Care, Hair Removal and Tattoo Removal

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If you know which procedure you are after for video viewing, simply click on one of the following links to be taken to the right page. Below the links is a brief description of each of the procedures available for viewing handpicked as best examples from YouTube.


Hope this helps you decide which procedure is right for you.


* Microdermabrasion

* Photorejuvenation

* Fraxel Laser Therapy

* Laser Skin Resurfacing

* Laser Hair Removal

* Laser Tattoo Removal



Microdermabrasion, also referred to as mechanical exfoliation or micro-resurfacing, is a method for facial rejuvenation that uses a mechanical medium for exfoliation along with adjustable suction to remove away the outermost layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis. It is a non-invasive procedure, which is performed in-office by a trained skin care professional. Suitable as a lunch time procedure.



Photorejuvenation is a skin treatment that uses intense pulsed light or other thermal or chemical methods to treat some skin conditions and remove wrinkles arising from photoaging. The process induces controlled wounds on the skin, prompting it to heal itself by creating new cells. This process reverses the effects of photoaging to a certain extent by removing wrinkles. Not suitable for dark skin. Suitable as a lunch time procedure.



Fraxel laser treatment is a non invasive laser therapy that effectively treats uneven skin colouring, brown spots, acne scarring, fine wrinkles or can help if your skin needs refreshing. Unlike photorejuvenation, this treatment can be used on dark skin. Some redness and minor swelling can occur. Probably best suited just before a weekend. Full recovery is anything from one to three days but easily hidden with make-up.



Warning: - these videos may be unpleasant for some people to view as they show the most invasive form of laser skin resurfacing. This is laser skin resurfacing at its highest level and is generally used for severe pitted acne scarring, severe sun damage and wrinkling. That said, it is the quickest way to achieve your goal as it is done in one treatment. The downtime is generally one to two weeks so should be scheduled to avoid special occasions and you will probably want at least a week off work if you don't want everyone to know you have had the procedure. Most people can hide the procedure with make-up after that.



Laser is used for permanent hair reduction. This procedure is best suited for people with dark hair that they want permanently removed.



For those of you who have a tattoo that is past its use by date, there is a laser option for permanent removal. WARNING: - These videos can also be slightly unpleasant to view if you tend to be squeamish as you will see a slight burning of skin and perhaps a little blood in some cases - but if you are brave enough to have a tattoo in the first place, I'm sure you'll be able to handle it. Removal can take from one to multiple procedures depending on the colours in the tattoo. Small, line one colour tattoos can generally be removed in one procedure.

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